Medina Sunrise Rotary, coaches, team organizers, fans, and families gathered at Sam Masi Park this hot summer evening for a spirited game of Miracle League Baseball between two great teams, the Angels and the Reds.
Ken Richardson told us that the Miracle League was truly a "League of Their Own!" Age is no barrier in our Miracle League. The Miracle League program provides an opportunity for individuals with mental and/or physical challenges to play the great game of baseball! We have an artificial turf surface which is friendly to both wheelchairs and bouncing baseballs, and a fully accessible playground. The game is a very safe version of baseball due to the Lite-Flite ball that we use. The ball travels well but does not injure our players if they are hit. The Miracle League makes dreams come true. We currently have 112 individuals with special needs playing baseball on the Medina Lions Field at Sam Masi Park. We are excited to serve Medina and the surrounding communities.
Miracle League Baseball Games are played on Wednesdays at 5:00 & 6:30pm & Sundays at 5:00 & 6:30 pm at Sam Masi Park. Come and join us. Thank you to our Medina Sunrise Rotary Baseball Buddies!
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Dr. Shail Jain, Frank & Becky Shotwell, John Verdile, Ed Jakubick Dr. Reid Miller, Dr. Mike Carlson, Frank Festi, Mark Rahija, Kevin Lauterjung, Kent & Eliot Morgan
Ken Richardson (foreground), Dr. David Loeper & David Lariviere (not pictured)