Medina Sunrise Rotary welcomes Chihiro Hosono, a student from Japan, to begin her Rotary Youth Exchange Year in Medina.
"Rotary Youth Exchange is the opportunity of a lifetime to make peace in the world, one student at a time," stated Rotary Youth Exchange Counsellor Anna Guy-Leach, Director of Development at the Children's Center of Medina County. Chihiro Hosono is sponsored by the Medina Sunrise Rotary Club and will be enrolled as a Junior at Medina High School for the 2022-- 2023 school year. Chihiro's first Host Family is Mark & Noel Zickefoose of Medina. We are all looking forward to a year of friendship and adventure.
Whether you are a student, interested in making an exchange, a potential host family for a youth exchange visitor, an interested community member or a volunteer in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program, Rotary Youth Exchange is a worldwide program designed for youth between the ages of fifteen and eighteen. It is a Rotary organization made up of professional people in all walks of life who are experienced and dedicated to the youth exchange program. If you are interested in the opportunity to become a foreign exchange student, or to host one, you can assure yourself that you will be immersed in an experience like no other. You will build international friendships and connections that often last a lifetime, as well as discover new characteristics of yourself that will enhance your self identity. The knowledge you acquire will often be an important tool in your future and will uncover opportunities for the entirety of their lifetime. Rotary’s youth exchange program is not a study abroad program, it is much more. It is a unique opportunity to enhance your life and that of others with the goal of achieving peace one student at a time.
Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is a premier international student exchange scholarship program for qualified students in secondary school. This scholarship's value currently exceeds $35,000 per student.
Since 1929, Rotary International has sent highly qualified young people around the globe to experience new cultures, instill service above self, develop leadership, promote international understanding and world peace, and become youth ambassadors of their local communities. Currently, about 9,000 students are sponsored by Rotary clubs every year. Rotary is a fully accredited member of CSIET - Council of Standards for International Student Exchange: