Thank you Medina Sunrise Rotary for your $10,000 check and your continued support of and close partnership since 2008 with The Children's Center of Medina County," said Anna Guy-Leach, CCMC Director of Development.
The story of The Children’s Center of Medina County began in 2005, when Mead Wilkens (former Director of Medina County Job and Family Services) and Dr. Daryl Steiner (former Medical Director Akron Children’s Hospital) came together to bring the national Child Advocacy Center (CAC) model to Medina County. First established as a Child Advocacy Center Program under Medina County Job and Family Services, the program quickly became its own 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2008 and at that time was named The Children’s Center of Medina County.
Growing to better serve the needs of our community, The Children's Center offers a robust range of services, including
* Child Advocacy - provides children an opportunity to heal from abuse by reducing trauma in a neutral family-friendly location. * Anti-Human Trafficking - through our coalition, we save our adolescents from lives of exploitation and prostitution.* Family Visitation Center - provides a family-friendly location where children and their biological parents or family members can spend time together during their period of separation. Yearly, we provide over 700 supervised foster care visits.
Medina Sunrise Rotary has been a trusted community partner helping us make a difference in the lives of children in our community and beyond, through your time, talents, and treasure. Thank you Medina Sunrise Rotary!