Dr. Michael Davanzo, Past Club President and Past District Governor, welcomed our newest community leaders, Rob Starcher and Ed Jakubick, into the Medina Sunrise Rotary Club this morning.
Starcher, a graduate of Ohio University and the University of Akron Law School is an Associate Attorney at Williams & Batchelder, LLP in Medina. Jakubick was a principal in the Architectural firm - E.S. Jakubick & Associates, of Cortland, Ohio, and currently serves with the Medina County Art League.
"We thank them for their service to our community and, along with over 53 Rotary clubs and 1,900 members in Northeast, Ohio, let us welcome them into the fellowship of Rotary," said Kevin Wermer, Assistant District Governor.
Join us 7:15 AM on Tuesday mornings for breakfast, interesting community programs, service, and Rotary fellowship.
Check our website for times, locations and details of upcoming meetings: MEDINASUNRISEROTARY.COM
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