United Way of Summit-Medina was represented by Paul Khacherian, Director, Community Impact Medina County, this morning at Medina Sunrise Rotary. "We have BOLD GOALS for our community and we are doing what it takes to accomplish them together," declared Khacherian. "Basic needs, like nutrition, shelter and access to healthcare are at the core of United Way's Bold Goal efforts."
United Way has served the residents of Medina County for nearly 100 years, working to make sure a helping hand is always within reach for individuals, children and families by advancing issues around education, income and health.
We are partnering with local leaders and stakeholders to identify Bold Goals for Medina County, so that, together, we can tackle the biggest challenges facing our community.
Our Bold Goals for Medina County will serve as benchmarks for our success, so that we can focus on creating real, measurable impact. We’ll do this by directly serving people of every age and walk of life, and by investing in proven programs to better the quality of life of Medina County residents.
We know it won’t be easy to achieve our Bold Goals. But we do know we can count on committed, compassionate individuals from all across Medina County – people like you.
This is YOUR community. YOU can make a difference.
We are YOUR United Way.
Medina Sunrise Rotary, chartered on July 11, 1994, is a caring, busy and fun club. Partnering with Medina County District Library, The Children's Center, Feeding Medina County, Miracle League of NE Ohio, Empower Sports, Medina County Educational Service Center, Let's Make a Difference, and many other youth-focused organizations, we make a difference in the lives of children in our community and beyond. Do not hesitate to contact us, ask any question or make suggestions as we move forward with another year of adventure and "Service Above Self". www.medinasunriserotary.co
Come and see us at Medina Sunrise Rotary!
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