Celebrating Christmas - The Season of Giving
at Medina First Baptist
"Christmas is the Season of Giving," said Medina First Baptist Pastor Rev. Kurt Alber, as he and the Hospitality Team welcomed two local community service clubs -- Medina Breakfast Kiwanis and Medina Sunrise Rotary.  We gather together at Christmastime to thank Kiwanis and Rotary for giving year-round. They make service and giving their value for life. The Medina Kiwanis and Rotary clubs have been a part of our Medina First Baptist and Medina Christian Academy Family at Christmas for over 20 years, since 9-11.
During this holy season, we call to mind and to heart that God is true to his Word. Jesus is God's gift to all of us. He is the Living Word of God and God's Word is the Good News of our salvation. Christmas, then, is a story of God's love for us. It is an unending story of love, service and giving. Have a Blessed Christmas!
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Medina First Baptist Pastor Rev. Kurt Alber, Medina Breakfast Kiwanis, Medina Sunrise Rotary
Medina Christian Academy High School Student Choir